The NL-Bioimaging & NVvM Yearly Meeting will take place at Naturalis, in Leiden.
Register here.
The NL-Bioimaging & NVvM Yearly Meeting will take place at Naturalis, in Leiden.
Register here.
Save the date for the 2024 NEMI day, which will take place on Tuesday, November 12th, in Delft, on the TU Delft in the Aula Conference Centre
More info here.
The 2nd Dutch Structural Biology Meeting will be held in Utrecht on 18 October 2024. The meeting aims to bring together scientists in the Netherlands who are interested in structural biology (PhD, Postdoc and PI level), to showcase their research, discuss opportunities and challenges, and to enable the exchange of knowledge and ideas.
Venue: Boothzaal in the Utrecht University library, Heidelberglaan 3, 3584 CS Utrecht
For more details and registration please see:
Organizers: Hugo van Ingen (UU) and Bert Janssen (UU)
Dear colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to join the symposium on “Light driven processes monitored inside the TEM” including a celebratory opening of the new TEM user facility with light incoupling at AMOLF in Amsterdam from 9:45-17:30 on October 11th, 2024. The symposium brings together the Dutch TEM and sustainable energy materials communities and highlights recent advances in monitoring chemical and material processes at the atomic level under optical excitation and with fast time resolution. We present a high-level program with four keynote speakers:
· Sophie Meuret (CEMES/CNRS, Toulouse, France)
Exploring the Dynamics of Semiconductors with an Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscope
· Ulrich Lorenz (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Observing Nanoscale Dynamics with Time-Resolved Electron Microscopy
· Armin Feist (Max Planck Institute, Göttingen, Germany)
Merging Electron Microscopy with Advanced Photonics
· Jennifer Dionne (Stanford University, Stanford, United States)
The Light Stuff: Enabling Sustainable Chemical Manufacturing with Atomically-Optimized Photocatalysts
Registration for the workshop is free of charge. The lectures are all at the Turing room, Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre Science Park 125, Amsterdam, while the lunch and TEM opening will be next door at AMOLF, Science Park 104.
We look forward to welcoming you on October 11th.
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Wiebke Albrecht & Erik Garnett
Dutch Biophysiscs abstract deadline coming up!
Don’t miss out on the chance to present your research to your peers on the annual conference on physics of life: NWO Biophysics 2024!
Call for abstracts NWO Biophysics 2024 is now open! The annual conference on physics of life, NWO Biophysics, is returning to NH Koningshof Veldhoven on 7 & 8 October 2024. The exciting programme will cover various scientific topics, from microscopy and cell biology to biomedical engineering. More information on this year’s keynote and plenary speakers can be found on the website
Do you want the chance to present your research and contribute to NWO Biophyiscs 2024? The call for abstracts is now open! Submit your abstract here
Dear community,
We are happy to announce the second iteration of the Dutch cryoEM school scheduled to take place from 03 – 08 June 2024 in Leiden and Delft.
The aim of this school is to teach the basic principles and practical aspects of electron microscopy and image processing to structural and molecular biologists wishing to determine macromolecular structures by cryoEM. The course will cover all aspects of cryoEM structure determination, ranging from sample preparation over data collection to processing and interpretation of high-resolution volume data, for both single particle images and tomograms, and will be aimed at PhD students and postdocs using cryoEM for structural analysis. The applicants should ideally have some basic knowledge of the cryoEM workflow to profit most from the course.
Invited speakers and tutors are:
Sjors Scheres (MRC-LMB)
Wim Hagen (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Emanuel Katzmann (JEOL)
Friedrich Förster (Utrecht)
Stuart Howes (Utrecht)
Tom Burnley (CCP-EM)
Bogdan Toader (MRC-LMB)
Colin Palmer (STFC-UKRI)
Agnel Joseph (CCP-EM)
Matt Idanza (STFC-UKRI)
The school will be limited to 20 participants. The deadline for application is 22 March 2024 and we will inform selected participants approximately 1-2 weeks after the deadline.
Thanks to generous sponsoring, registration is free of charge for participants from academia. Transportation to and from the venues, and accommodation, are not included in the school and need to be arranged by the selected participants themselves.
A detailed program and instructions for registration can be found here:
With best wishes from the organisers,
Tzviya Zeev Ben Mordehai
Ludo Renault
Arjen Jakobi
Are you attending NWO Life? Come find us at the NVvM/NEMI stand!
With great pleasure share the announcement of the Opening Symposium of the Radboudumc Electron Microscopy Center as part of the Radboudumc Technology Center Microscopy. The center is a unique facility hosting advanced electron microscopy imaging modalities for the life sciences, focusing on multiscale and multimodal imaging. Highlights are the complete Zeiss 3D cryo-correlative workflow, and the ThermoFisher Talos F200C G2 specifically designed for combined cryo and liquid phase electron microscopy, both allowing high resolution imaging of samples in their native hydrated state.
You are invited to celebrate the completion of this infrastructure with a full day symposium where invited and local speakers will highlight the recent advances in different approaches to electron microscopy for life sciences.
Attendance is free, but registration is requested at
Program-Opening-Radboudumc-EMCRegistration for NWO Biophysics has now opened!