EMC 2020, Copenhagen

Abstract Submission and Scientific Imaging Competition now OPEN

The Bella Center, Copenhagen, 23-28 August 2020

About emc2020

The European Microscopy Congress 2020 (emc2020) in Copenhagen is being hosted by SCANDEM, and organised by the Royal Microscopical Society under the auspices of the EMS and IFSM. The European Microscopy Congress is known for being the largest European stage for cross-disciplinary research. The broad scientific programme will welcome contributions from all over the world, showcasing the latest research in life sciences, physical sciences and engineering across all microscopy and imaging techniques.

Over 30 conference sessions, an exhibition with more than 100 companies represented and a brilliant selection of features such as pre-event workshops and social networking events.

Submit your abstract now!

Oral and Poster abstract submission is currently open for emc2020.  Go to www.emc2020.eu/abstract-submission  where you can create an account and then submit your abstract. The deadline for submitting your abstract is 1 MARCH 2020. We are accepting abstracts for the following symposia:

  • Life Sciences: Applications
  • Life Sciences: Tools & Techniques
  • Physical Sciences: Applications
  • Physical Sciences: Tools & Techniques
  • Data Handling and Analysis

To see a full list of the individual sessions and their descriptions, the provisional programme including the fantastic line up of invited speakers, please visit: https://www.emc2020.eu/conference/conference-sessions.html. You can also view the confirmed plenary speakers here: https://www.emc2020.eu/conference/plenary-speakers.html.

For help and queries

If you have any questions regarding emc2020 or abstract submission, please do email katejermey@rms.org.uk or visit the website www.emc2020.eu.

Imaging Competition

The emc2020 Scientific Imaging Competition will be a great opportunity for microscopists from across the world to showcase their skills. It provides a great outlet for those that can capture the breath-taking and engaging beauty of the microscopical world. Shortlisted entries will be displayed at emc2020 which is also where the competition winners will be announced and awarded. Prizes are provided by many of the sponsoring companies at emc2020. The competition is divided into six categories:

  • Electron Microscopy – Life Science
  • Electron Microscopy – Materials Science
  • Light Microscopy – Life Science
  • Light Microscopy – Materials Science
  • Scanning Probe Microscopy
  • Short Video

The closing date for all entries is midnight GMT Monday 1 June 2020. Short-listed entries will be notified by Friday 10 July 2020. Please go to www.emc2020.eu/image-competition to submit your image.  

For any questions regarding the imaging competition, please do email lucy@rms.org.uk.

Ph.D / Postdoc course Advanced Optical Microscopy 2020

June 15 – 19, 2020

Aim: The aim of this one-week course is to introduce, discuss, and experience the technologies and applications of various advanced optical microscopic techniques. Also, tissue and cell preparation protocols and immune-cytochemical procedures will be discussed. Finally, vital imaging and quantification of molecular processes in the cell will be explained and demonstrated.

Target group: PhD and Postdoc students in the Life Sciences.

Content: This course is composed of lectures, practical training, and demonstrations on the following topics:

  • Basic microscopy – Fluorescence (spectroscopic) microscopy – Confocal laser scanning laser microscopy
  • Light sheet microscopy – High-throughput microscopy
  • Super-resolution microscopy (with a focus on STED)
  • Multiphoton laser scanning laser microscopy
  • Vital imaging of cells and tissues
  • Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)
  • Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM)
  • Sample preparation and clearing
  • 3D image restoration and image processing

Approach: Theoretical lectures will be provided in the morning sessions, while practical training and demonstrations are planned in the afternoon. You will have the opportunity to discuss your results or view your own microscopic preparations with experts in the field. The course will end with a one day symposium, the annual Maastricht Microscopy Meeting (MMM) on Advanced Optical Microscopy.

Examination: At the start of the course students will receive by email an open question, dealing with a cell biological problem that should be solved by using microscopic techniques and proper preparation of the sample. Students may do this assignment individually or in small groups. The deadline for the assignment is Friday June 26th 2020. Examination results will be available by July 24th 2020 at the latest.

Min/Max students: maximum 20 participants

Location: Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University Medical Center

Coordinator: Prof.dr. Marc van Zandvoort, Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology, Maastricht University Medical Center, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, tel: +31 43 3881361, mamj.vanzandvoort@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Teaching staff: M. van Zandvoort, J. Broers, D. Kapsokalyvas, T. Rademakers, and others (to be announced).

Registration: Secretary Molecular Cell Biology / secr-mcb@maastrichtuniversity.nl / +31 43 3881351

Registration fee: € 200

Basics in Fluorescence Microscopy – Amsterdam, NL

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce the course “Basics in fluorescence microscopy”, organised by the van Leeuwenhoek Centre for Advanced Microscopy at Amsterdam University, the Netherlands, January 28th-31st 2020.

This is a 4-days basic microscopy course for graduate students, postdocs and lab technicians in biology, biophysics and (bio)medicine. It provides detailed knowledge of the working principles of confocal and widefield fluorescence imaging, with special emphasis on experiment related issues, such as optical aberrations, bleaching, specimen preparation and fluorescent probes. The course integrates theoretical lectures with hands-on experiments and practical experience. Experts in the field of microscopy will give an overview of “state-of-the-art” imaging techniques in biological research.

For more info, program and application form check http://www.microscopycourse.nl/

Participants: Max. 20 PhD students, postdocs and technicians.
Date: January 28th-31st 2020
Level: Starting microscopist
Costs (including coffee and lunches):  400 €
Application deadline: January 3rd 2020
Organisers: LCAM, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, contact: Mark Hink

NeCEN EM Seminar – Dr. Rouslan Efremov

Dear EM enthusiasts,

The next presentation from the NeCEN seminar series on Electron Microscopy will be on Wednesday December 11 (15:30) in room GM 4.13 at the Gorlaeus Laboratories Betacampus. Dr. Rouslan Efremov from the VIB-VUB in Belgium will present.

Dr. Efremov has setup a cryoEM facility for single particle work with a JEOL cryoARM300; one of the two in Europe. He will give us an update on the performance of the machine and his own research interests which lie on the structural biology of large protein complexes using single particle as the main technique.

If you would like to receive announcements about NeCEN events, please send an email to necen@biology.leidenuniv.nl and we will add your name to our mailing list.

Looking forward to seeing you there,
The NeCEN team