Dear Colleagues, dear EMS Members,
In less than a year, the next European Microscopy Congress, EMC2020, will be organized in Copenhagen, Denmark. On the occasion of these quadrennial European Microscopy Meetings, the European Microscopy Society, EMS, will again deliver the prestigious European Microscopy Award to two scientists based on the quality and originality of their scientific achievements in any field of microscopy in the five years preceding the application. All modes of microscopy are included and the prizes are divided into: one for Life Sciences and one for Materials Sciences, both fields including the respective instrumental advances. Previous winners can be found at
The winners will receive a cash prize of € 3,000 (three thousand euros) each, sponsored by JEOL Europe. They will also receive free registration at EMC2020 and will deliver a keynote lecture during a plenary celebration session. The full texts (4-6 pages) of these presentations will be printed in the 2020 EMS Yearbook.
Candidates for the prize can be nominated by an EMS member microscopy society, a group of scientists headed by an EMS member, an individual EMS member or an ECMA member.
Nominations (in electronic form) should contain: i) resume (CV), ii) list of publications, iii) PDF of five publications that best support the candidacy (the candidate should be (one of) the leading author(s) of these publications), iv) appraisal and justification written by the proposer.
More details on the criteria can be found in the document available at the EMS website by clicking here.
Please send the nominations to before January 31, 2020.
We look forward to receiving many high quality nominations for this prestigious quadrennial award of our European Microscopy Community.
EMS President
Virginie SERIN
EMS Secretary