With the aim of popularizing science through its aesthetic value, we are starting a collection of fluorescent microscopy images for the upcoming interactive exhibition, “Beyond Naked Eyes” and we would very much appreciate your participation!
The “Beyond Naked Eyes” exhibition will be held twice in the autumn/winter of 2019 in ® galleries situated in the city of Amsterdam and Den Haag in The Netherlands. We would like to invite you to share images produced during your research work that you find to be aesthetically pleasing and of interest to a broader audience.
A number of images will be chosen and presented during the exhibitions. The images that do not make it to the exhibition itself, may be published on ®’s online platforms.
Tsveta Malinova and Dr. Stephan Huveneers from the Laboratory of Vascular Integrity and Microenvironment at Amsterdam UMC (AMC) http://www.huveneerslab.eu/ in collaboration with the founder Luka Lekic and Delyana Feijtes from ® galleries
Fluorescence and advanced microscopy approaches are great tools for unraveling hidden cellular processes. However, it is undoubtedly clear that the images we create with these techniques have two dimensions – one laying on the scientific plane and the other being part of the artistic world. In this collaborative project we want to show the artistic dimension of bringing science and art together to reveal the beauty of our work and use it as a universal language which makes science understandable and accessible to everyone. With this exhibition we aim to use art to transcend borders and bring researchers from all over the world together to increase public awareness of what we do and popularize science in a new aesthetically engaging way.
- Deadline: December 31st, 2018.
- Image types:
- Fluorescent images of fixed cells;
- time-lapse images/movies of live cells;
- z-stacks;
- 3D reconstructions.
- Image specifications:
- original .tiff files with no compression or any other decrease in file size;
- no limitations over the number/size of submitted mages.
- How to send:
- via e-mail to t.malinova@amc.uva.nl (for files which exceed the allowed size limits for e-mailing, please use wetransfer.com or another similar platform).
- What to include:
- your name, position and institution;
- a concise image description, including the context of your research and the technique used to capture the image.
Copyright protection: Copyright of the images will remain at all times with the photographer. Images will be used strictly in connection to the exhibitions and will not be used for any other commercial or marketing purposes. Image licensing will occur under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License.
Please, share our open call with your lab members/colleagues/facility users! We will greatly appreciate it! J
We are looking forward to seeing the artistic side of science and getting in touch with you!
Sincerely yours,
Tsveta Malinova,
also on behalf of Dr. Stephan Huveneers from The Laboratory of Vascular Integrity and Microenvironment in the UMC, Amsterdam ans Luka Lekic, ® galleries, The Netherlands