Launch website Dutch microscopy labs

Date: 02/13/2012

Microscopic imaging plays a crucial role in biological sciences, undergo rapid technological developments and is strongly developed in the Netherlands. In spite of its excellence, microscopic imaging efforts in the Netherlands, as well as in many other European countries, are fragmented and lack national and international visibility.

To overcome this problem, the Euro-BioImaging Consortium has been created ( as part of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). NL EuroBioimaging AM brings together microscopy centers and research groups involved in the development and application of microscopy techniques in the Netherlands. It is a platform for exchanging information, expertise and methodologies, and for creating access to the advanced microscopy infrastructure for the scientific community in the Netherlands. NL EuroBioimaging AM builds on the strong Dutch microscopy tradition, which stems from Zacharias Jansen and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. By linking to EuroBioimaging, we aim to participate in building the European wide infrastructure for generating access to a broad range of cutting edge imaging technologies required for biological and biomedical research, as well as materials science and related research areas.

In the fall of 2011 the NVvM has invited all microscopists in the Netherlands to register to a new website. This website should give for each microscopy lab and centre a short description of the equipment and expertise available locally. In order to stimulate external researchers, lacking microscopy equipment and/or knowledge, to include (other) microscopy in their own research, a search option is available to look for labs with appropriate technology and expertise. We have received many responses from the Dutch Microscopy Centres and Microscopy Labs, resulting in the new website, now available at: In case your laboratory is not represented at the website and you feel it should be included, you can still register at this site.