24 January 2024 Opening Symposium Radboudumc Electron Microscopy Center

With great pleasure share the announcement of the Opening Symposium of the Radboudumc Electron Microscopy Center as part of the Radboudumc Technology Center Microscopy. The center is a unique facility hosting advanced electron microscopy imaging modalities for the life sciences, focusing on multiscale and multimodal imaging. Highlights are the complete Zeiss 3D cryo-correlative workflow, and the ThermoFisher Talos F200C G2 specifically designed for combined cryo and liquid phase electron microscopy, both allowing high resolution imaging of samples in their native hydrated state.

You are invited to celebrate the completion of this infrastructure with a full day symposium where invited and local speakers will highlight the recent advances in different approaches to electron microscopy for life sciences. 

Attendance is free, but registration is requested at https://www.electronmicroscopycenter.com/opening/
